Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations are the only safe way to provide immunity against harmful diseases. If carried out regularly, as advised by your vet, vaccinations can protect your pet for life.

A number of dangerous diseases can still affect cats, dogs and rabbits in the UK. At Forest House Veterinary Group, we strongly recommend preventative vaccinations. Therefore, we have compiled the following information about animal-related diseases and preventative treatment.

The primary course can be started at 9 weeks of age and consists of 2 injections 2-4 weeks apart. Please note your kitten must be at least 12 weeks old at the time of the second injection.  A booster vaccination is then given on an annual basis.

You cat will be vaccinated against:

  • Feline Infectious Respiratory Disease (Cat Flu)
  • Feline Leukaemia Virus
  • Enteritis

The primary course can be started at 8 weeks of age and consists of 2 injections 2-4 weeks apart. Please note your puppy must be at least 10 weeks old at the time of the second injection.  A booster vaccination is then given on an annual basis.

Your dog will be vaccinated against:

  • Parvovirus
  • Distemper
  • Leptospirosis
  • Parainfluenza
  • Hepatitis

Additional Vaccinations Available

  • Kennel Cough

As Kennel cough is caused by different pathogens, vaccination does not necessarily prevent a dog becoming infected. It will however, greatly reduce the effects of the disease.

Kennel cough can present as anything from a muted cough to a debilitating, wheezy cough which can take several weeks to subside despite treatment.

Due to the fact it is highly contagious, most boarding kennels will insist on dogs having had this vaccination. It is inexpensive to vaccinate against, especially if carried out at the same time as the other main vaccinations.


Required for clients wishing to travel with their pets to the EU or other countries. Please see more detailed information in our pet travel section.

Myxomatosis and Haemorrhagic Viral Disease (HVD)

A single annual vaccination has been developed to protect against both Myxomatosis and HVD.

If you would like to find out more about spreading the cost of your pets vaccinations, click here to find out more about our Pet Healthcare Plan